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Holiday time — mail orders, gifts, confirmations. Don’t get too click happy.

  • Team Omega
  • December 3, 2014

Now is the time to be extra cautious. Just the other day we ordered gifts for quite a few people. Online shopping, online ordering, very easy! An account was setup as a first step. Then, came the  email confirmation to confirm that I was indeed the person who requested the account setup. This was an authentic retailer asking for reconfirmation mainly for security reasons.

Confirmations are likely to hit in-boxes during this holiday period. However, do not be tempted to click the link or download an attachment on a confirmation email. Or, provide any bank information. Below are samples of a couple fraudulent confirmation emails.


Spammers are looking to cash big on this and are blasting emails to millions everyday. Krebsonsecurity notes that, “according to Malcovery, a company that closely tracks email-based malware attacks, these phony “order confirmation” spam campaigns began around Thanksgiving, and use both booby-trapped links and attached files in a bid to infect recipients’ Windows PCs with the malware that powers the Asprox spam botnet.”

Issues with orders that seem to be coming from an authentic retailer may be fraudulent as well. It would be best to visit the site or talk to a customer representative to confirm what you get in an email.