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Most popular methods of hacking in 2012?

  • Team Omega
  • May 24, 2013

The answer — weak credentials as well as credentials that were easily available for stealing by hackers. 

In the deeper analysis of the research and data collected, the Verizon data breach reports indicate that overall breaches happened because hackers were able to start from the basics such as ‘guessing, cracking or reusing valid credentials.’  Single-factor authentication made the above basics extremely easy and 76% of network instrusions exploited weak or stolen credentials.

Two factors of authentication is a must in data security no matter the type of retail business, c-store, restaurants, oil and gas or specialty retail. Omega ATC serves these retail markets and can help you with policies and procedures related to the security of your POS and back office systems. 

Call Omega for a free 30-minute consultation at 636-557-7777.