In mid-2015 when the buzz was at its peak on EMV (Europay, MasterCard and Visa), the push for retailers to adopt the technology began. The idea behind is to protect consumers from transaction fraud and lower their expenses from charge backs. Chip information stolen cannot be duplicated because the transaction number cannot be recreated and will not work on a new transaction. However, the little chip on your card cannot prevent data breaches.
It does not. Merchants cannot ignore PCI and it does not reduce data fraud. Here is an explanation from PCIcomplianceguide.org:
It is not card data protection – EMV does not encrypt the Primary Account Number (PAN) and therefore the card data must still be protected according to PCI guidelines.
The short and right answer is PCI is just not going away. EMV has nothing to do with PCI compliance or store data security. Self-assessment questionnaires (SAQ) and Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) audits will continue. Besides, the compliance requirements of PCI 3.2 have increased. Merchants from Level 1 through Level 4 have to show proof of compliance every year.
This means continuing the pain points of:
There is a lot more to do and merchants cannot be worried about spending time on compliance when they have a business to run.
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