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Payment Card Industry requirements increase need for Wireless Intrusion Detection and Prevention Sensors

  • Team Omega
  • October 16, 2011

The consumer marketplace has been rapidly changing with the entry of new wireless devices, and so are the needs to protect consumer information from leaking through these devices. PCI requirements and other security standards mandated by the government for wireless devices focus on vulnerability management as a primary requirement.

In anticipation of the increase in demand for Wireless Intrusion Detection, wireless LANS (WLANS) have improved security capabilities. Gartner research says, ‘The scope of WLANS Intrusion Prevention systems have also increased to include Bluetooth, mobil phones, wireless cameras, cordless mobile phones, wireless cameras and other non Wi-Fi services’.

There are several products in the market today that may confuse a retailer.  Evaluation of these products have to be based on some strong criteria such as customer experience, product strategy to cover future markets, innovation and improvement of their intrusion detection and prevention units, market execution that covers customers responses, case studies, mind share of the product in the WLAN IPs market and breadth of features.

If you have a need for WID and would like to further educate yourself or answer any questions, Omega ATC can help you.  Write to or call 636-557-7777.