Are data security measures like internal vulnerability scanning, network monitoring, and log collection from the cardholder data environment (CDE) becoming a challenge in your retail environment?
They can be challenging if internal scanning schedules interfere with store activities, bog down your network, or systems cannot be monitored locally.
The Omega Appliance will help without requiring any changes to your existing network infrastructure. The superior technology of the Appliance eliminates the need to install software on store systems. Each device communicates securely and directly with the Omega Security Operations Center (SOC).
Retailers need affordable solutions with the best network security possible. The Appliance can address that need rapidly. It will scan endpoints in the network, detect weaknesses, monitor the network, and alert management of suspicious activity.
Simplicity and Power in One Small Device
Call 636-557-7777 and talk to one of our Data Security Strategists or email Security@OmegaSecure.com to get a free 30-minute consultation.