Concerned about the PCI DSS 4.0.1 lookback period starting in March of 2025? LEARN MORE

Register for this March 11th complimentary Webinar, ‘Top PCI 3.0 Challenges for Chain Merchants’

  • Team Omega
  • February 9, 2015

Omega ATC will be hosting a Webinar along with Coalfire, a leading global provider of cyber risk management and compliance solutions to discuss steps all merchants need to take to meet the new compliance mandates, which took effect on Jan. 1, 2015.

The complimentary Webinar, Top PCI 3.0 Challenges for Chain Merchants, will be held March 11 at 3 p.m. EST and will cover issues specifically related to large convenience stores, quick service restaurants, gas stations and specialty retailers. Register here.

Omega ATC is one of the first certified Service Providers (Managed Security Services Provider) to meet PCI 3.0 compliance. The managed security services provided from Omega’s data center ensures high-availability and high-security. “There is a critical need for increased security given the onslaught and increased severity of data breaches,” said Shekar Swamy, President & Senior Security Strategist for Omega ATC. “In today’s climate, Omega ATC makes it a priority to invest into our infrastructure and new features to make sure we are staying ahead of the market and can maintain our leadership in data security solutions that accelerate retailer’s compliance with PCI DSS.”

Rick Dakin, the CEO & Chief Security Strategist of Coalfire said many merchants are approaching PCI compliance as they have in the past and not realizing the number of changes in the new mandate, which in turn, slows down their compliance certification process. The new standard contains 12 requirements and 400+ detailed sub-requirements to meet compliance.

Register for this educational Webinar today.

Contact Alex Persons at 636-557-7777 x2404 or email for more information.