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On March 12, 2017

Are you preparing for this year’s PCI compliance audit?

PCI Compliance AuditWe are now well into the year and spring is almost here. The nagging PCI compliance pain is starting to reappear. So, retailer ...

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On December 1, 2016

PCI DSS Compliance: Who mandates it? How does the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) fit in?

Is the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) a government mandate?  We’ve been asked this a few times by some of our customers. PCI DSS was not created by the government, it was created by the Read More


On November 1, 2016

PCI DSS non-compliance fees – myth or reality?

PCI non-compliance fees"You don't have to pay fees for non-compliance."

The above myth is touted by retailers resistant to Payment Card ...

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On October 27, 2016

Are you equipped to deal with the compliance mandates of PCI 3.2?

Are you equipped to deal with the compliance mandates of PCI 3.2? In mid-2015 when the buzz was at its peak on EMV (Europay, MasterCard a ...

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On August 30, 2016

Multi-factor or two-factor authentication?

Multi-factor authenticationThe PCI Council explains, 'the term “two-factor” was replaced with the term “multi-factor” in several requ ...

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